miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

tarea de ingles

Statement in past progressivo with the verb to be

Are they requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher?  Yes they are
Were they requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher?  Yes they were
Aren’t they requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher? No they Aren’t.
Weren’t they requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher? No they weren’t.
Who is requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher? They are.
Who is requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher? They were.
What are they requesting to deliver the payment voucher? A chance
What were they requesting to deliver the payment voucher? A chance.
What  are they requesting a chance for? To deliver the payment voucher
What were they requesting a chance for? To deliver the payment voucher.
They are requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher, aren’t they
They were requesting a chance to deliver the payment voucher, weren’t they.